USN Endorses Conservative Tim Aalders for Congress – CD3

Tim Aalders is a rare commodity. Every once in a while, someone comes along who actually presents as they are. Tim Alders is that someone. He is his word and that word does not fluctuate with time or changing political circumstances. I am among many who appreciate Tim’s bold and resolute stance for Constitutional principles. He is a good man with a good heart who has an inherent and firm understanding of the foundations of our Constitution, the intent of the Founders, and will govern by those principles.

Tim is not a poser. He’s a leader. One of the first things he wants to do when he gets to Washington is ask his fellow Representatives: “Why did you violate your oath of office? Why did you not read that bill you just passed?”

Utah deserves a TRULY CONSERVATIVE Representative with home-grown values, a proven commitment to core conservative principles, and a lifetime track record of Utah morals and hard work.

As a successful business owner, he understands what makes America’s economy grow and the underlying problems our country is facing. His recent commentary on the social, economic and systemic effects of the current COVID-19 pandemic is being hailed as a blueprint for getting a derailed America back on track.

As you take the time to seriously research each candidate’s qualifications and preparations for this important Legislative role, you will quickly learn for yourself that Tim Aalders is the best-prepared candidate for this specific job. He is qualified in every way to serve our state at this important juncture.

At the very least, Utahns deserve to be represented by someone who truly shares their values and standards, is as honorable and hard-working as they are, and will not waiver in their commitment. America is a great country and we need great leaders, not opportunists who have a wandering and sordid history, are hungry for power, and are skilled at stretching the truth.

Utah has a rare opportunity this year to drain the swamp on all levels of our government, including CD3. Electing Tim will certainly do that. Tim has my full-hearted endorsement in his challenge against John Curtis. –Ed Wallace

Utah Standard News endorses Tim Aalders, the conservative constitutional Republican challenging incumbent John Curtis. Regardless of the pitiful issues, both past and current, that we have with John Curtis, Tim is deserving in every way of the endorsement and vote of every Utahn. But, let’s take a moment to review the person that has been representing CD3 for the past 3 years.

John Curtis won the Republican primary election for U.S. Congress in 2017 by circumventing Utah’s traditional caucus process. Curtis never would have received the Republican nomination had he gone through the traditional caucus system. “Count My Vote” assured him that he won the nomination by gathering signatures and forcing a primary against Chris Herrod, the real RepublicanRepublician nominee.

Curtis ran unsuccessfully as a Democrat in 2000 against State Sen. Curt Bramble, R-Provo. In Spring 2006, Curtis changed his political affiliation from Democrat to ‘unaffiliated’ without explanation or reason. Shortly after, Representative Jeff Alexander resigned from his State House seat and Curtis threw his hat, once again, into the race for a State-level political seat. Curtis didn’t register as a Republican until Nov. 30,  the same day that news reports announced the process to replace Alexander. Like any good politician, Curtis understood that his conservative constituents would not allow a Democrat to represent them.

A news article states: “Curtis sought to console the concerns of the leery Republican Party by telling delegates of House District 62 that he was, indeed, a “lifelong Republican” who only switched over to the Democratic Party “in an effort to give Utah County voters more choices at the ballot box.”

This election cycle, Curtis arrogantly assumed that no one would be challenging him for the GOP nomination and registered as a candidate by way of the caucus route at 4:45 pm, just 15 minutes before the deadline. Tim Aalders filed at 4:55 pm as a caucus-only candidate as he intended. Reports are that Curtis was furious and made an appeal to the Elections Board to change his filing and collect signatures. They said no. So now, Curtis is in the position of having his fate decided by about 1,000 CD3 GOP state delegates who he had previously shunned by effectively declaring them irrelevant. Many of those same delegates are still serving and remember that Curtis ‘stole” the 2017 special election for Jason Chaffetz’s seat from Chris Herrod, the more conservative and the caucus’ choice. 

Curtis is not an advocate of the caucus system so it is not authentic for him to only go that route. John Curtis knows who he is, and who his constituents are. He knows that claiming to be a “conservative” is like waving a magic wand over the voters, who are trusting and taking people at their word. 

The Conservative Review, America’s leading conservative barometer, gave Curtis a 63% rating. “At some point or another, every voter has felt like they have been duped – sold a fake bill of goods. Politicians and candidates run ads telling conservatives what they want to hear because campaign ads, like it or not, work. Politicians are selling a product, themselves, to you the voter.”

FreedomWorks is even worse with a 56% conservative rating for 2020. “FreedomWorks tracks the votes of Members of Congress on key issues of economic freedom to make it easier for you to know how your representative is voting.”

The claims by Curtis go far beyond simple misrepresentation and braggadocious claims of grandeur. A special report from states: “Candidates have a legal right to lie to voters just about as much as they want. There is no federal truth-in-advertising law that applies to political ads, and the very few states that have tried such legislation have had little or no success.”

This report by Utah Standard News puts John Curtis through the fact-checker of reality. Report: JOHN CURTIS EXPOSED: A Trail of Sexual Harassment, Incompetence, and Broken Contracts

It looks like John’s chickens are coming home to roost!

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